Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Portrait and self-portrait tips and writing your ideas

My Favorite Portrait Tips
  • Alter Your Perspective

Most portraits are taken with the camera at (or around) the eye level of the subject. While this is good common sense – completely changing the angle that you shoot from can give your portrait a real WOW factor. Get up high and shoot down on your subject or get as close to the ground as you can and shoot up. Either way you’ll be seeing your subject from an angle that is bound to create interest.
  • Experiment with Lighting

Another element of randomness that you can introduce to your portraits is the way that you light them. There are almost unlimited possibilities when it comes to using light in portraits.Side-lighting can create mood, backlighting and silhouetting your subject to hide their features can be powerful.
  • Introduce Movement

Portraits can be so static – but what if you added some movement into them? This can be achieved in a few ways:
  • by making your subject move
  • by keeping your subject still but having an element in the scene around them move
  • by moving your camera (or it’s lens to achieve a zoom burst)
  • Hold Your Camera on an Angle

Horizontal and Vertical framings are not the only options when it comes to shooting portraits. While getting your images straight can be important in when shooting in these formats holding your camera on a more diagonal angle can also inject a little fun into your images.This type of framing can add a sense of fun and energy into your shots. Just don’t slightly’ do it or you’ll have people asking themselves if you might have mistakenly held your camera crooked

My assignment
For my portrait assignment I have two ideas in mind. I plan on shooting a female and male in different environments. Amanda R. will be my female subject and I want to do simple background, like black or white, with her since she is interesting by her self:). I want to play with holding the camera on an angle and altering the perspective with her. Eddy G. will be my male subject and I want to capture movement with his shoots. I would shoot him at b-boy practice and play with the lights of the room. i would choose the photo that i think comes out best.:))

Friday, January 8, 2010

Portraits and self-portraits

This photo by Annie Leibovitz gives you a sense of playfulness and shyness. i like this photo because it seems as if she doesn't want to see whats going on but is curies. The background is very simple so it doesn't take any focus off the subject. And The subject uses her own body not props this makes her look a lot more natural then anything.
This self portrait is one of my favorites, it's the one that spook with more emotion to me. It has a sense of hopelessness, endlessness, and fear. I think this photo came out good because of the background and props used. The sky is clear but yet a little cloudy and the railroad tracks balance out with the guy on the left. With his back turned you cant see his face but his body language, his head dangling down, is enough. i would like to use a detailed background in my self portrait/portrait.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Photos of the year 2009

This photo caught my eye because who has seen a baby float before they can walk???
I liked how the photographer used the rule of thirds to capture this moment. The baby and women are each in the intersections of the tic tac toe lines.
In this photo i liked how the photographer used the light to create shadows and dark spots. The actions suddenly stopped makes the viewer think whats gonna happen next. i like how he balances the photo with the guitar player in the front and the drummer in the back.
The photographer really balanced this photo out with having the dog and owner on one side of the photo. He also used the water to create symmetry. I liked this photo because it was captured in actions so it really gives you a feel as if you were there.

My favorite memory of this holiday has to be seeing my self grow up. I have token on new responsibilities and have challenged myself to be more independent. the only bad thing is my parents are still having trouble letting go. ugh!!
On my break i didn't do much but hang out with my friends and see a few of my family. My cousins came down from Oklahoma and that was nice to see them again. i completely cleaned out my room so its spotless everyday (so far).
2009!!! What a year...The memorize that i would remember would be good, bad, sad, happy, and more. But one memory that i would remember the most has to be on a Thursday Varsity football game right after school the cheerleaders have dinner in the coaches classroom then we head out to the buses. Well like always our bus is never on time so we were sitting around all 13 of us in a circle on the ground singing along to Taylor Swift while the band and color guard kids were on there buses looking at us. Not caring what anyone taught about our singing we sang louder and louder. That was a time were we really connected as a team.