The little boys in this picture caught my attention. The fact that the house behind them
is all beat up and dead looking makes them look almost lifeless. The body language
of the boys has a feeling of depression and stuggle. You really can not see the boy
in the back unless you pay attention so he kinda just blinds in with the surroundings.
I see two boys by a houset that has a big entrey door seems run down
I smell miles and miles of feilds and fresh grass.
I hear the chipping of wood and crickying of steps weakening.
I taste hot sticky spit wit a bit of dry mouth.
I feel the suns rays and the slow brizze with a few bugs around.
This photo caught my eye because of the ghost like person falling out the window. The fact that it looks like the little boy is just standing fearlessly while the figure is in the air.
I see a big building with tons of windows.
I smell tons of dirt and the smell of dry grass.
I hear children chatting and wispering.
I taste the curiousity of childrens life.
I feel a chill in the air and the cold brezz of spirits.
To share the wonderful photographs of Ralph Eugene Meatyard i would like to creat a poster
with some of his background history and some of his first and famous photographs.